How Does This Casting Process Compare To Other Services

investment casting foundry

Almost any small metal part can be manufactured by investment casting. That said, it makes most economic sense to use the investment casting process for metal parts that have complex shapes, designs or are difficult or nearly impossible to precision machine. Due to the low material waste during the production process, investment casting is also suitable for the manufacturing of metal parts made of expensive alloys.

Investment cast metal parts can be of lower weight, require less machining, and offer greater design flexibility as compared to parts made through other processes. However, not all parts can be manufactured through investment casting. Read on to see how investment casting compares to other metal working processes to determine the process best suited to your needs.

Other casting methods such as die casting, sand casting. plaster casting and permanent mold casting result in similar benefits as investment casting, such as smooth surfaces and the ability to make thin-walled, complex pieces. However, the tooling costs in the die casting process are higher, making it more suitable for high-volume production runs. Sand casting is one of the cheapest casting methods, and is suitable for the manufacture of large components in low-volume runs. Plaster casting offers better accuracy, and a much smoother surface finish as compared to sand casting; it is cheaper than investment casting, and is hence most suitable when the quality of the surface finish is an important requirement.

Investment Casting Supplier vs Machined Parts

Some components, especially those with complex internal geometries and passageways, cannot be created by machining. However, where either process is possible, the choice depends on various factors such as volume of production, use etc. Machining provides the greatest precision of all processes, and allows for much greater dimensional tolerances as compared to casting. Therefore, where strength and precision are crucial, machining is a better choice.

Compared with Forging

It is quicker and cheaper to mass produce castings, and there is much less waste as compared to forgings. However, ounce for ounce, forged parts have greater tensile strength, and up to six times the fatigue strength of a cast part. Hence, in applications where strength and ductility are crucial and cost is not as great of an issue, forging is the process of choice.

Compared with Stamping

Investment casting supplier provides greater design flexibility, such as variations in thickness, tapering etc. as compared to stamping. However, stamping dies are less expensive, and will last the entire life of the part. The stamping process is also quicker as compared to the casting process. Thus, stamping is suitable for high-volume, hard metal parts.

Compared with Powder Metallurgy

Both the production costs and the tooling costs for PM are lower than for investment casting, and the process is therefore suitable for high-volume production of simple shapes. Investment casting is a better option for components that require a higher degree of precision, have more complex shapes, and which are produced in low-volume runs.

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